Whether you are an individual or an institution, or an individual that aspires to be an institution, you undoubtedly have a product or service that you want the world to know about. With strategic offices located in Los Angeles and New York, Danny Andrews, A Professional Corporation has the skills, expertise and access to key players in the relevant industries that you need to cultivate you, your products or your services from just being an idea into being a household name.
We here at Danny Andrews, A Professional Corporation understand that branding is not about cliché taglines and arbitrary wordmarks. It is about making a promise to your audience or customer—and keeping it! Whether you are talent, an entertainment company, or a for-profit or nonprofit organization, we help you build comprehensive, consistent audio and visual expressions that cause emotional connections with your audiences across interactive and in-person experiences. These are the unique emotional connections that make your target audience want to buy your product(s) or service(s), and which encourages your workforce to buy-in to, and ultimately carryout, your mission. We do this through customized programs that focus on three core areas: (1) Brand Strategy; (2) Brand Implementation; (3) Organizational Development.
Brand Strategy
(or what we like to call… “Brandscaping”)
• Market Gap Assessment and Analysis
• Business Plans
• Strategic Positioning
• Brand Design and Architecture
• Naming
• Market, Product and Service Research
Brand Implementation
• Access to Key Industry Players
• Public Relations
• Print and Interactive Media
• Advertising Campaigns
• Promotions and Events
• Development of Performance Timelines and Benchmarks
• Training Programs
• Social Networking Media Strategy
• Identification of Revenue Streams and Channels of Exploitation
Organizational Development
• Internal Branding
• Organizational Structure
• Team Composition
• Talent Management
Talent/Brand Development & Management
Whether you are an individual or an institution, or an individual that aspires to be an institution, you undoubtedly have a product or service that you want the world to know about. With strategic offices located in Los Angeles and New York, Danny Andrews, A Professional Corporation has the skills, expertise and access to key players in the relevant industries that you need to cultivate you, your products or your services from just being an idea into being a household name.
We here at Danny Andrews, A Professional Corporation understand that branding is not about cliché taglines and arbitrary wordmarks. It is about making a promise to your audience or customer—and keeping it! Whether you are talent, an entertainment company, or a for-profit or nonprofit organization, we help you build comprehensive, consistent audio and visual expressions that cause emotional connections with your audiences across interactive and in-person experiences. These are the unique emotional connections that make your target audience want to buy your product(s) or service(s), and which encourages your workforce to buy-in to, and ultimately carryout, your mission. We do this through customized programs that focus on three core areas: (1) Brand Strategy; (2) Brand Implementation; (3) Organizational Development.
Brand Strategy
(or what we like to call… “Brandscaping”)
• Market Gap Assessment and Analysis
• Business Plans
• Strategic Positioning
• Brand Design and Architecture
• Naming
• Market, Product and Service Research
Brand Implementation
• Access to Key Industry Players
• Public Relations
• Print and Interactive Media
• Advertising Campaigns
• Promotions and Events
• Development of Performance Timelines and Benchmarks
• Training Programs
• Social Networking Media Strategy
• Identification of Revenue Streams and Channels of Exploitation
Organizational Development
• Internal Branding
• Organizational Structure
• Team Composition
• Talent Management