You know you’ve got “IT.” Whether you’re a musician with a whole drawer of awesome compositions, an entrepreneur with a killer concept, or an actor ready to hit the big screen, Danny Andrews can help you make your dreams a reality and take your career to the next level! Danny Andrews is an entertainment attorney, author, and the owner of his own talent and brand management company. And he’s going to teach you how to cultivate yourself as a brand. Why would you want to be a brand? Because the more clearly you can define your talents and ideas, the easier it will be for you to let the world know just how amazing you are. Danny can help anyone find specific steps to make their reality a little more like the life they dream about in their head.
And he’s created a step-by-step curriculum to teach you how to brand yourself. And, Danny Andrews in connection with Internet coupon guru, Lifebooker, is offering his 1-hour seminar, “Start Building Your Brand Today,” regularly $350, for just $45 (that’s a serious 88% off).
The seminar will be on Saturday, October 16th, 2010 and will be focused on the following core steps: Brand Strategy, Brand Implementation, and Organizational Development. You’ll learn what a brand is, how to create a strong brand, how to incorporate yourself and your business, steps to create both an online and real world media and marketing strategy. In essence, you’ll learn what you need to do to succeed, and more importantly you’ll make a promise to yourself to do it, and then you’ll watch your goals become realized. Is achieving success going to be a cakewalk? No. But it can happen if you want it to – you just need to start by taking the first easy step of thinking of yourself as a business.
Here are some reviews of Danny Andrews and his branding services from some of his clients:
“Danny motivated me to take control of my musical career and to be more hands on. He explained that there was more then just one option of success in the industry and achieving that success, making me think outside the box about how to market and brand myself strategically in this ever changing industry” – Sonnet, Singer/Songwriter
“Work for Hire”: Do You Legally Own Your Work? LA Lawyer Danny Andrews Says “Maybe Not”
With the help of the Internet, creative people are becoming more entrepreneurial and are serving as their own publicists, marketing teams, record labels, managers, etc. Some are doing this hoping to be discovered by a “major” player in the relevant industry, while others have found that “doing it yourself” is far more lucrative and allows you to retain more of your rights. But, does it really? The reality is, unless you are truly doing it ALL BY YOURSELF, you may not necessarily own the copyright in your works.
For example, have you ever hired someone to create a track for, design a website, write an article for your online magazine, or take photographs for your album cover? Or, maybe you’ve done most of the work, but asked someone to write the introduction to the book you plan to self-publish or write the hook to your new song. Sound familiar? This happens all the time. So, here’s the question of the hour: When you hire someone to do creative work for you, do you legally own the work?
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